From Lima to frontier with Ecuador (1300Km),the tourist will find extraordinary archeologyc places, such as: Sechin in Casma, Chanchan in Trujillo, SIpan and Tucume in Chiclayo. Also there is many beautiful tropical beaches in Piura and Tumbes and parallel line to the coast is located the paradisiacal callejon de huaylas which is located the majestic Huascaran and many other mountains, Incas monuments and colonials buildings.
Lima capital of Peru was established in 1535 by Francisco Pizarro, becoming later the capital of the Virreynato. Toward the Est you find the mantaro’s valley in the department of Junin, you get there thought a asphalted road and the highest point is Anticona (4800m.a.s.l.)parallel to this route runs the highest railway of the world,it is a excellent work constructed by the engineer Henry Meiggs,its highest point is 4781.m.a.s.l. The valley of Mantaro is rich in folklore and crafts. To the south of this region is located Huancavelica city, it is mining zone and going down the Andes you get the central jungle which you’ll find the cities: San Ramon, La Merced, oxapampa, Villas Rica, Pozuzo and Satipo and to the North you’ll find the cities of Huanuco and Tingo Maria where you will see the bella durmiente (a mountain wich you see a woman reclined).The jungle is a big area with more than 500 000Kms2,and the Amazonas river is one of the most important, it is a paradise for people who loves the flora and fauna.
From Lima to frontier with Chile (1350 Kms) have developed many cities and summer resorts. In the departament of Ica (good wine producer) the most important is the Paracas National Preserve (Reserva National de Paracas)and to the south of Pisco the Vallestas island (islas vallestas) where you can see a diversity of fauna marine,and a little to the south the famous Nazca lines in Nazca.
Arequipa second city of Peru has a amazing colonial architecture, and the Colca Canon (Cañon del Colca) considered like one of the deepest of the planet with more than 3400 Mts of unlevel, and continuing is Moquegua rich in mine deposits with much production of copper.
Tacna, the last city close to Chile has nice colonial places as well and near to the frontier with Bolivia is Puno city, there you can see many beautiful places as Titicaca Lake, Taquile Island and others.
Cuzco the most visited city in Peru for the tourists because has a diversity of touristic places such as in cultural as adventure, Macchu picchu is the most famous, it is a archeologyc center and is concidered like one of the seven wonderful in the world. |